Colorado Springs Utilities Wildfire Ready Action Plan

Project Timeline

2023 - Present


  • Colorado Springs Utilities

  • US Forest Service

  • Colorado State Forest Service

  • Coalition for the Upper South Platte

Colorado Springs Utilities has started a Wildfire Ready Action Plan (WRAP) for two areas in their local collection system just west of Colorado Springs. The North Slope project area includes three major reservoirs on the north slopes of Pikes Peak - North Catamount, South Catamount and Crystal Reservoirs. These reservoirs accumulate local runoff but also hold water diverted from the west slope and transferred through the Blue River pipeline. The Northfield project area includes one major reservoir - Rampart Reservoir which also holds west slope water delivered through the Homestake Pipeline. These reservoirs are critical to supplying municipal water to the city.

WRAP Project Areas

There are two project areas.

  1. North Slope includes North and South Catamount and Crystal Reservoirs.

  2. Northfield includes Rampart Reservoir.

    The map on the left shows these locations


Colorado Springs Utilities Watershed Partnership


Colorado Wolf Management Plan