Meet Our Team
Brad Piehl
Partner, Watershed Planner
Brad Piehl is a forest hydrologist with 30 years of environmental consulting experience in Colorado and throughout the West. He has worked for the past 19 years on impacts of wildfires on watersheds and water supplies. Brad has experience with large-scale and small-scale planning for watershed protection including working for federal, state, and local agencies, as well as many water supply organizations. He is one of the founding members of the Watershed Wildfire Protection Group and has implemented watershed hazard identification and prioritization for a large portion of the Colorado Front Range, and central and northern Rocky Mountains. Brad has also worked on pre- and post-fire planning for a number of water supply and US Forest Service partnerships. He directed post-fire watershed protection projects following the High Park and Hewlett Gulch Fires in the Cache La Poudre.
MS Forest Engineering, Forest Hydrology, Oregon State University
BS Forest Resources, Forest Hydrology, University of Minnesota
Jessica Wald
Jessica has 25 years of experience in environmental consulting. Her expertise includes project and technical management/coordination of large complex interdisciplinary projects and public involvement. She has been the public involvement lead on many large natural resource management projects involving complex issues and diverse stakeholders.
Jessica also has served as the technical manager of many natural resource projects that has provided her with technical familiarity with many environmental analyses such as; air quality, cultural resources, ecology, fisheries, forestry, geology, recreation, soils, threatened, endangered and sensitive species, vegetation, visuals, wetlands and wildlife.
MS Water Resources Engineering, University of Colorado
BS Civil Engineering, University of Minnesota
Abby McNamara
Watershed Scientist
Abby has over 5 years of project experience working on pre- and post-wildfire watershed management and hazard mitigation. She has worked on the ground in post-fire restoration for the Cameron Peak and East Troublesome fires in Colorado (2020), recommending hillslope and watershed treatments to reduce runoff and erosion risks to water supply infrastructure. Abby is an expert in watershed analysis using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology and remote sensing. She has project experience on landscape-level watershed hazard assessments, pre-fire hazard mitigation planning, and has conducted research on Colorado’s water supply and wildfire effects on landscapes and watershed processes.
MS Watershed Science, Colorado State University
BS Geology and Geophysics, Yale University