Collaboration & Stakeholder Facilitation
We all know that community understanding and involvement is essential to project success. That’s why we make collaboration and public involvement a priority. We have designed, organized, and facilitated dozens of public meetings and countless collaborative group meetings. We emphasize diversity of group perspectives and work towards common goals.
Watershed Wildfire Protection Group
High Country Forest Collaborative
Forest Health Task Force
Healthy Headwaters with Confluence West

Facilitation of diverse groups through the decision making and planning process for natural resource plans and use
Clear explanation of any technical issues/information for group understanding
Stakeholder engagement
Public involvement
Facilitation of consensus-based decision making so the group can come to a common goal/decision
Development of a management plan (when requested) and facilitation of plan review by group
Past Facilitation Projects
San Luis Valley Wildlife Refuge Complex
JW Associates provided facilitation and public involvement services to the US Fish and Wildlife Service for the San Luis Valley Refuge Complex CCP and LPP. The Alamosa, Baca, and Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuges were part of this project.
Colorado Wolf Management Plan
JW Associates served as public involvement lead to a working group charged by the Colorado Parks and Wildlife to develop a management plan for gray wolf in the State of Colorado. JW Associates designed and facilitated six scoping meetings and six public comment meetings around the state.
Nellis Dunes Special Recreation Area
Nellis Dunes OHV Special Recreation Area is currently an OHV area managed by the BLM Las Vegas Field Office. JW Associates worked for the BLM to form an Inter-entity partnership to make sure that the stakeholders were involved in the design and execution of a public comment process.