Project List
Arkansas Headwaters Wildfire/Watershed Assessment

Aurora Source Water Protection Plan

Bark Beetle Incident Watershed Assessments

Big Thompson Forest Health Assessment

Big Thompson Wildfire/Watershed Assessment

Blue River Wildfire/Watershed Assessment

City of Boulder Pre- & Post-wildfire Planning

Cache La Poudre Wildfire/Watershed Assessment

Cameron Peak Post-Fire Mitigation

Catamount Forest Health & Hazardous Fuels Reduction

Cheyenne Board of Public Utilities Wildfire Emergency Response Plan

Colorado-Big-Thompson Headwaters Partnership
Colorado Springs Utilities Watershed Partnership

Colorado Springs Utilities WRAP

Colorado Wolf Management Plan

Crossons-Longview Forest Restoration Environmental Assessment

Dollar Ridge Fire

East-Central Wet Mountains Forest Health & Hazardous Fuels Reduction

East Troublesome Post-fire Mitigation

Hewlett Gulch Fire Watershed & Seaman Reservoir Protection

High Park Fire Watershed Protection & Restoration

Idaho Panhandle National Forests - Environmental Impact Statements

Nellis Dunes OHV Recreation Area

Pikes Peak Wildfire/Watershed Assessment

Rock Pits Environmental Assessment

Sage Steppe Ecosystem Restoration Strategy EIS
Saint Vrain Wildfire/Watershed Assessment

Salt Lake City Watershed Management Plan

San Luis Valley Wildlife Refuge Complex

South Platte Headwaters Wildfire/Watershed Assessment

Spring Creek Fire - Costilla County Watershed Protection & Treatment Prioritization

Upper Arkansas Wildfire/Watershed Assessment

Upper Colorado Headwaters Wildfire/Watershed Assessment

Upper Cucharas River Watershed Pre-fire Assessment & Treatment Identification

Upper Gunnison Watershed Hazard Assessment
Upper Poudre Watershed Resilience Plan

Upper South Platte Wildfire/Watershed Assessment

Watershed Wildfire Protection Group