Catamount Forest Health & Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project
Project Summary
Completion Date: February 2011
US Forest Service
JW Associates completed an Environmental Assessment (EA) through Healthy Forest Restoration Act (HFRA) authority for the Pikes Peak Ranger District of the Pike National Forest, covering the Pikes Peak area. The Catamount Forest Health and Hazardous Fuels Reduction Project will create more sustainable forest conditions that are more resilient to fire, and insects and diseases, while providing for diverse wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, sustainable watershed conditions and increased fire fighter safety.
The Decision Notice/Finding of No Significant Impact has been signed and the project is being implemented.
Project Actions
Write an environmental assessment for the US Forest Service, addressing the impacts of the proposed project
Facilitation of 2 scoping meetings
Develop and refine proposed actions, issues & alternatives
Management of the drafting and revising of 8 specialist reports, including the Biological Evaluation/Biological Evaluation Assessment
Treat approximately 20,000 acres to restore the montane forest ecosystem towards its historic conditions. This area contains:
Ponderosa pine, Limber pine, Douglas fir, aspen and oak shrublands.
Restore sustainable forest conditions by reducing field for wildfires
Create more sustainable forest conditions that are more resilient to fire, insects and diseases
Provide for diverse wildfire habitat, recreational opportunities, sustainable watershed conditions and increased fire fighter safety
Reduce the risk that a wildfire would negatively affect the municipal watershed reserves for the cities of Colorado Springs, Green Mountain Falls, Cascade, Chipita Park and Manitou Springs