Idaho Panhandle National Forests - Environmental Impact Statements
Project Summary
Completion Date:
US Forest Service
JW Associates completed three Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) for the Idaho Panhandle National Forests. These projects are briefly described below.
Map of Project Areas
Click to enlarge map
Katka Peak EIS, Bonners Ferry Ranger District, Idaho
Acreage: 29,000 containing a large roadless area
Project Actions
Project management, including management of several separate subcontractors
Technical management & analysis
Management of public involvement and NEPA compliance
Evaluation of timber harvesting, road building and forest health activities
Proposed alternatives to current activities
Key Issues Addressed
Hydrologic/peakflow changes
Water quality
Impacts to grizzly bear habitat security
Road building in roadless areas
Click on map to enlarge
Packsaddle EIS, Sandpoint Ranger District, Idaho
Acreage: 23,000 containing a large roadless area
Project Actions
Project management, including:
NEPA compliance
Field studies
Public involvement
Project & technical management of 7 subcontractors
Creating a technical watershed analysis
Development of a scope of work for 14 technical studies
Preparation and drafting the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Key Issues Addressed
Water quality
Impacts to bull trout habitat
Ecosystem management
Mosquito-Fly EIS St. Joe Ranger District, Idaho
Click on map to enlarge
Acreage: 19,000 containing a large roadless area and a checkerboard land ownership layout with a private timber company
Project Actions
Project management, including:
NEPA compliance
Public involvement
Project & technical management of 8 subcontractors
Development of a scope of work for 14 technical studies
Extensive field studies
Technical reports
Coordination between specialists within governmental and private agencies
Preparation and drafting the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
Key Issues Addressed
Water quality
Potential impacts to bull trout due to granting access to private land
Uniquely complex NEPA issues due to the need to evaluate and differentiate the environmental effects of activities on private land versus those on National Forest land