Nellis Dunes OHV Special Recreation Area
Project Summary
Completion Date: 2011
USDI Bureau of Land Management - Las Vegas Field Office
Clark County, Nevada
US Department of Defense - Nellis Air Force Base
City of North Las Vegas, Nevada
JWA worked with the USDI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and other organizations to develop and propose a management plan for the Nellis Dunes OHC Special Recreation Area that saw heavy usage due to it’s proximity to Las Vegas metropolitan area.
Project Actions
Facilitation of the first Inter-entity partnership and three public meetings to provide information on the potential conveyance of Nellis Dunes to Clark County and solicit comments from the public
Facilitation of the second Inter-entity partnership and presentation of the results of the public comments
Propose a solution to the usage issues
The proposed and adopted solution resulted in Clark County gaining ownership and control of a small portion of Nellis Dunes for a motocross track and other focused activities, with BLM retaining the remainder for open OHV use.
The area became protected by Congress
Project Background
In the early 2000’s Nellis Dunes OHV Special Recreation Area (Nellis Dunes) was an off highway vehicle (OHV) area managed by the USDI Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Las Vegas Field Office. Nellis Dunes ia approximately 10,000 acres in size and was previously managed as an unrestricted or “open” OHV area. There were no designated trails, improved parking lots or other facilities and no fees charged for use of the area.
In the fall of 2005, Clark County met with BLM to begin to identify what options were legally available for local governments to acquire title or lease of the Nellis Dunes for the purpose of providing a Motorized Recreation Park for the community. Both BLM and Clark County agree the community needs an off-highway vehicle area for Clark County residents.
The results of the meetings facilitated by JWA showed some strong opinions against Clark County owning Nellis Dunes due to concerns that it would be developed or mismanaged. The solution that was proposed in the second meeting has since been adopted, resulting in Clark County gaining ownership and control of a small portion of Nellis Dunes for a motocross track and other focused activities, with BLM retaining the remainder for open OHV use.